Maputo - Mozambique
Vasco Novela
graduated in Political Science from Eduardo Mondlane University. Born in Mozambique and resident in the province of Maputo. Communication coordinator of the Youth Sounding Board of the European Union in Mozambique, Member of the United Youth of Portuguese Speaking Countries, Researcher at the Center for International Relations Studies - CERES, JUPLP, consultant and researcher.
Guinea Bissau
Omar Seide
Umaro Seidi, Guinean and of legal age, recently graduated from the Lusophone University of Guinea in Political Science and International Relations, social and environmental activist, member of the United Youth of Portuguese-speaking countries "JUPLP", founding member of Young Leaders of Guinea Bissau" JLGB", I am a member of Voluntary Activist Groups for Humanitarian Action" GAVAH", and an intern at the General Directorate of Industry (Ministry of Commerce and Industry).
Todos os anos o CERES oferece vagas para novos membros!