Research Council

Africa Specialist
Jaime Antonio Saia
Graduated in International Relations and Diplomacy from the Joaquim Chissano University (Maputo, Mozambique) Master's student in Conflict Resolution and Mediation. International politics analyst at TVM (Televisão de Moçambique), Soico TV (STV), on Médio Mais TV, as well as a columnist for Revista Zambeze. Researcher at CERES (Center for International Relations Studies) and speaker on social and political areas in Mozambique.
Book author As Relações Internacionais desde Moçambique.
With extensive experience in Business Management.
International Community and Sociology
Aline Batista dos Santos
PhD student in Human and Social Sciences at UFABC. Master in Religious Sciences at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, has a specialization in Politics and International Relations from FESPSP and a Bachelor's degree in International Relations from Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (2014). Author of the book"The appropriation of the concepts of martyrdom and jihad by Hezbollah and the issue of violence as resistance" (Editora Appris, 2020)". International - MIGREPI (UFABC); and Gina - Research Group on Gender, Race and Intersectionalities. She is affiliated with the Brazilian Association of History of Religions (ABHR). Currently a professor of International Relations at the UniLaSalle from Manaus.
Politics and Latam Specialist
Genildo Pereira Galvão
PhD student in Human and Social Sciences at UFABC. Master in Religious Sciences at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, has a specialization in Politics and International Relations from FESPSP and a Bachelor's degree in International Relations from Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (2014). Author of the book"The appropriation of the concepts of martyrdom and jihad by Hezbollah and the issue of violence as resistance" (Editora Appris, 2020)". International - MIGREPI (UFABC); and Gina - Research Group on Gender, Race and Intersectionalities. She is affiliated with the Brazilian Association of History of Religions (ABHR). Currently a professor of International Relations at the UniLaSalle from Manaus.
Oil & Gas Specialist
Luis Augusto Medeiros Rutledge
Petroleum engineer graduated from UNESA and holds an Executive MBA in Oil and Gas Economics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Postgraduate in International Relations and Diplomacy from IBMEC.
Researcher at UFRJ, Energy Geopolitics Analyst and Consultant Member of the Observatory of the Islamic World of Portugal, Consultant at the Foundation Center for Foreign Trade Studies - FUNCEX.
Columnist for the MenteMundo website.
Africa and Development
Marco Alves
Lilian Schiavo is an Architect, Security Engineer and Hospital Administrator. She is a businesswoman, columnist and congressman working in international organizations. Currently, she holds the positions of National President of OBME - Brazilian Organization of Women Entrepreneurs, President of the GT Mulheres Industriais, Founder of CEMB - Business Convergence of Brazilian Women in Mercosul, President Brazil Global Networking G-100, Executive Director Board G-100 and occupies chair no. 1 Florbela Espanca at ACLASP - Academy of Science, Letters and Arts of São Paulo, Honorary Global Ambassador of the Clube Mulheres de Negócios Portugal, Immortal at the William Shakespeare Academy, President of the Business Council of IBREI - Brazilian Development Institute of International Business Relations, Senior Advisor CERES Center for the Study of International Relations in Brazil, Co-Founder and Advisor of OMA Brazilian Organization of Administrators, Ambassador of IBREI for Argentina and Chile, Vice President CAMBRAPER Chamber of Commerce Brazil Peru, Director RIN Brasil Red Internacional de Negócios, headquartered in São Paulo, Director ad honorem and director of International Relations for Mercosur Women at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Mercosur and the Americas. Furthermore, she is a Peace Ambassador for the UPF, Advisor to IBREI - Brazilian Institute for the Development of International Business Relations, Instituto Supereco, FBGA - Brazilian Environmental Management Forum and ANAPRI - National Association of International Relations Professionals. Due to her work as an encourager and promoter of women's rights as businesswomen, Lilian was invited to speak at UN Women and ILO, to join spaces for several international organizations and to participate in Federal Government inclusion projects.
• vice-president of the Brazil Peru Chamber of Commerce
• Ad Honorem Director at the Mercosur and Americas Chamber of Commerce, Director of International Relations for Mercosur Women
• Brazil Director of RIN International Business Network
• Co-founder and Advisor to OMA Brazilian Organization of Women Administrators
• Member of EEN Brasil Enterprise Europe Network
Senior Advisor
Lilian Schiavo
Lilian Schiavo is an Architect, Security Engineer and Hospital Administrator. She is a businesswoman, columnist and congressman working in international organizations. Currently, she holds the positions of National President of OBME - Brazilian Organization of Women Entrepreneurs, President of the GT Mulheres Industriais, Founder of CEMB - Business Convergence of Brazilian Women in Mercosul, President Brazil Global Networking G-100, Executive Director Board G-100 and occupies chair no. 1 Florbela Espanca at ACLASP - Academy of Science, Letters and Arts of São Paulo, Honorary Global Ambassador of the Clube Mulheres de Negócios Portugal, Immortal at the William Shakespeare Academy, President of the Business Council of IBREI - Brazilian Development Institute of International Business Relations, Senior Advisor CERES Center for the Study of International Relations in Brazil, Co-Founder and Advisor of OMA Brazilian Organization of Administrators, Ambassador of IBREI for Argentina and Chile, Vice President CAMBRAPER Chamber of Commerce Brazil Peru, Director RIN Brasil Red Internacional de Negócios, headquartered in São Paulo, Director ad honorem and director of International Relations for Mercosur Women at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Mercosur and the Americas. Furthermore, she is a Peace Ambassador for the UPF, Advisor to IBREI - Brazilian Institute for the Development of International Business Relations, Instituto Supereco, FBGA - Brazilian Environmental Management Forum and ANAPRI - National Association of International Relations Professionals. Due to her work as an encourager and promoter of women's rights as businesswomen, Lilian was invited to speak at UN Women and ILO, to join spaces for several international organizations and to participate in Federal Government inclusion projects.
• vice-president of the Brazil Peru Chamber of Commerce
• Ad Honorem Director at the Mercosur and Americas Chamber of Commerce, Director of International Relations for Mercosur Women
• Brazil Director of RIN International Business Network
• Co-founder and Advisor to OMA Brazilian Organization of Women Administrators
• Member of EEN Brasil Enterprise Europe Network
Islamic & Middle East Specialist
Flávia Abud Luz
PhD student in Human and Social Sciences at UFABC. Master in Religious Sciences at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, has a specialization in Politics and International Relations from FESPSP and a Bachelor's degree in International Relations from Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (2014). Author of the book"The appropriation of the concepts of martyrdom and jihad by Hezbollah and the issue of violence as resistance" (Editora Appris, 2020)". International - MIGREPI (UFABC); and Gina - Research Group on Gender, Race and Intersectionalities. She is affiliated with the Brazilian Association of History of Religions (ABHR). Currently a professor of International Relations at the UniLaSalle from Manaus.
Luanda Angola
Gomes Miguel Dias
Petroleum engineer graduated from UNESA and holds an Executive MBA in Oil and Gas Economics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Postgraduate in International Relations and Diplomacy from IBMEC.
Researcher at UFRJ, Energy Geopolitics Analyst and Consultant Member of the Observatory of the Islamic World of Portugal, Consultant at the Foundation Center for Foreign Trade Studies - FUNCEX.
Columnist for the MenteMundo website.
Founder & CEO - Paradiplomacy & Europe
Wesley Sá Teles Guerra
CERES Founder and Paradiplomat. Polyglot. Graduated in International Negotiations from CPE (Barcelona), Bachelor's Degree in Administration from UCB, Postgraduate in International Relations and Political Sciences FESPSP, Master's Degree in Social Policies and Migrations UDC (Spain), MBA International Marketing MIB (Massachussetts-USA), Global MBA ILADEC, Master's Degree Smarticities UC (Andorra), PhD student in Sociology UNED (Spain). Specialist in Paradiplomacy, Economic Development and Smart Cities. Book author Cadernos de Paradiplomacia,Paradiplomacy Reviews It is Manual de Sobrevivência das Relações Internacionais. Guest commentator for CBN Recife and finalist for the ABANCA award for academic research.
He served as a Paradiplomat of the Government of Catalonia during the "proces" process of self-determination of the region of Catalonia (Spain), he was also a member of IGADI, Galician Institute of International Analysis and Documentation and coordinator of OGALUS, Galician Observatory of Lusofonia, being responsible for the study Relations between Galicia and Brazil. He was also the first Brazilian to stand as a candidate in an election in the city of Ourense (Spain).
He was executive editor of the IAPSS magazine ELA and is a member of several institutions such as CEDEPEM, ECP, Smartcities Council and REPIT.